Tag: incompetence

On competence #2

Strange things do happen. They just do. But not all of them are strange bad, some are strange good. For example, I just wept like a baby. It was the end of season 4 of Dr. House – well.. in this respect I’m not quite sure whether it’s a good thing. To be alone with strange feelings on a Saturday evening.

On the other hand, admittedly, that’s not what I wanted to write about.

Yesterday began just like the the day before yesterday ended. I saw somebody trying to install Microsoft’s sequelserver on a Windows machine. Mind the fact that current versions of both programs were chosen. Nevertheless it seemed quite impossible just to install it. Crazy thing. One might think that programs of the same vendor should cooperate more easily – at least if both are bought for insane prices and labeled to be compliant to one another. Lucky for me, that’s nothing I have to care about – I already won my fight against MSSQL; all I needed were five servers and three versions of Windows. Probably somebody should mention to Microsoft that there are other operating systems available; equipped with sequelservers off the shelf. Some even are free and performing just as well if not better(I mean.. there’s no LIMIT/OFFSET implemenation in MSSQL; how good can it be?)

Anyways, to once again feel corrupted by such a pitiful sight is nothing special – as I have just pointed out. Thereafter I asked my dear and sincerely noble friend Carl Duevel to help me make the world a better place. And guess what – my wish instantly came true on Friday, 13th. What about all that blabber concerning bad luck and stuff. In my opinion people should get punished if reporting sick on this day; it is clearly economically abstruse to let all these menial dumbheads carry on doing nothing but guarding their bed sheets. But not Carl. He wrote an excellent article on Javas RegEx implementation. That alone has made my day, but there’s more – he’s mocking the use of inferior technology(aka Flash*choke*) only a couple of hours later. A great start for a newly brightened future is before us. Behold, world, for Captain Code will show you how it is done! I can’t even tell how much I’m looking forward to read frequently of his ulterior insights. Those have have been part of the few sorrows I hold on behalf of leaving Stuttgart; I had to physically leave him behind. On the other hand, maybe, just maybe, that might have been one of the glitches needed for him to finally turn public.

The most interesting thing could probably be, that while I was writing this post, I experienced like the tenth power failure in this wonderful building. One of my housemates came home, started her oversized electrical heater – and boom. Well, I understand that she needs it. Our main heating system doesn’t work properly and in her room it doesn’t work at all. Unlucky for us was that she tangled with the main fuses that thus went byebye, too.

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