Archive for January 2009

How long can you go?

January 16th, 2009 — 12:04 am

This is my 13th consecutive hour working on three projects at once – each of which has to be deployed tomorrow while my perception of the applications/daemons/tools is somewhere between post-alpha and beta. Therefore I will face an interesting day tomorrow – even more so, because it will be the first day in weeks that I simply won’t work overtime, because I will take a leave and visit a dear friend in Weimar.
I figure next week will even be of more interest – when I won’t have slept for aeons while several customers either are working live and productive or starting their testing and educational phase.
I’d love to go into detail, but instead I should hurry back to work.

I can’t even express how much I’m looking forward on the days to come – for so many reasons at once.

Life is good.

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Frozen Weekend

January 12th, 2009 — 10:31 pm

Everything began with a bad conscience concerning my decision to stay at home this weekend – for the sake of me finally getting rid of the flu as well as my bad throat..
Friday started out somewhat bad; it was the first day in years that I forgot my iPod which I could have lived through without too much hassle, because Swiss public transportation offers a lot of entertainment in form of misc. print media, but my bus just wasn’t at the station when I arrived – instead of waiting 20 minutes, I chose to walk myself to the bureau; and I even managed to score against the bus(I arrived approx. 10sec earlier).

Frozen to the bone and suffering from the effects of Swiss winter, I thought this probably was the worst part and things would get better now. Well, at least I had good spirits(;

In the afternoon, I figured, it could prove to be a good idea to leave work “early”(only working seven hours instead of nine, while my contract says I should only work five and a half..), because I wanted make several calls related to my previous post.
It probably would have been a good idea; if only the earlier trains wouldn’t have crashed and left me waiting hours in siberian frost – at least I had the chance to walk the last mile.. Of course I was terribly late for my phone calls and wasn’t able to do one of them, but I still had hopes to achieve my primary goal: getting healthy again.

Friday evening was pretty standard – I found myself listening to a couple of women talking about their previous or current boyfriends; so nothing special. But unfortunately it didn’t stay this exiting numbing for too long – Saturday I awoke to a more or less frozen room; I was wondering on the whereabouts of icicles.. To make the long story short: my commune that I just moved into has run out of oil!

Proving myself to be a quick study I searched the whole building for electric heaters that I installed on the first and third floor. Since there are only two heaters and we were three people, I shared mine with my direct neighbour. Accidentally just when the rooms were starting to feel hospitable(while wearing winter clothes..), the electricity fluctuations of this kinda old building kicked in and killed my fuse..

So there I was: cold, in the dark, unconnected..

And finally for those of you who were just bored enough to keep on reading – the funny part: Just as I finished permuting all 40 well documented fuses to bring the light back into my and my two housemates lifes, one of the girls (who just found herself a new affair the night before) asked me whether I could manage to spare my fuse to feed the second floor, so that she was able to fuck more comfortably later on.

At last a picture of myself coming home from work today, waiting for the temperature to rise across the 10C mark. At least I have myself and my cold – not to mention the newly found profound connection to my inner self: The will to live!

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Some doctors like to commit assault

January 8th, 2009 — 01:34 pm

The other day I called my grandmother, because she should have received surgery on her eyes yesterday. Four months ago she went do a specialist, because her eyes started to produce tears all the time while they felt sore and her eyesight decreased rapidly. After a first try of some drops that didn’t work she was given an appointment for surgery.

Yesterday my grandparents went to the clinic; my granny was brought to the operating room where she was given anaestesia. After waiting about half an hour, some unknown doctor emerged from the door and – without giving his name – went through some papers which seemingly brought him to his conclusion “There’s nothing to do here.”. While the nurse looked puzzled, she didn’t offer any real help in this strange situation at all. She only asked my granny if she could stand up by now. Confused my granny asked why nothing has been done, but received no answer. Instead she was kindly asked to leave now – with the really promising information of “If it get’s worse, please come back.”

To say the truth (without swearing) I find what has happened gross and disgusting! My granny can’t see well and even started not wearing her glasses, because they make her eyesight even worse – she even has been ordered not to buy new glasses until the surgery was completed, because it would bring that much improvement on itself. And counting that she is suffering from lethal lung cancer and every month is therefore very precious, I can’t help, but feel the anger rise up in me when I think of this incompetence.

Since she was given anaestesia – even if it was only locally – and then thrown out without any explanation(even though she tried to ask several times) while she wouldn’t even be told the name of this strange doctor, I think of this scenario as being assault and I will therefore take legal action.
Be prepared, Mr. X, I’m coming for you!

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